Files available on

This is the list of technical reports, released software, and other goodies available by anonymous ftp or WWW browser. See also /pub/excalibur for papers on compiling data-parallel languages.

- John Gilbert

Miscellaneous Files

README Plain ascii version of this file.

householder.tar.Z Matlab script showing several ways to look at the coauthor graph from the 1993 Householder Symposium. (Here's a picture of the graph.)

meshpart.htm Matlab mesh partitioning toolbox.

meshes.tar.Z Some sample meshes, including those from,, and

SuperLU Nonsymmetric linear system solver, with Jim Demmel and Sherry Li. (See for description.)

Technical Reports Highly parallel sparse Cholesky factorization. By Gilbert, Schreiber. Revised version appeared in SIMAX Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 1151-1172, September 1992. Provably good mesh generation. By Bern, Eppstein, Gilbert. Earlier version was in FOCS 1990. Revised version appeared in JCSS Vol. 48, pp. 384-409, 1994. Approximating treewidth, pathwidth, frontsize, and shortest elimination tree. By Bodlander, Gilbert, Hafsteinsson, Kloks. Revised version appeared in J. Algorithms Vol. 18, pp. 238-255, 1995. Elimination structures for unsymmetric sparse LU factors. By Gilbert, Liu. Revised version appeared in SIMAX Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 334-352, April 1993. Sparse matrices in Matlab: Design and implementation. By Gilbert, Moler, Schreiber. This is the technical report; a shorter revised version appeared in SIMAX Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 333-356, January 1992. Separators in graphs with negative and multiple vertex weights. By Djidjev, Gilbert. January 1992. Predicting structure in sparse matrix computations. By Gilbert. Revised version appeared in SIMAX Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 62-79, January 1994. Predicting structure in nonsymmetric sparse matrix factorizations. By Gilbert, Ng. Revised version appeared as a chapter in "Graph Theory and Sparse Matrix Computation", ed. George, Gilbert, and Liu, Springer-Verlag, 1993. An efficient algorithm to compute row and column counts for sparse Cholesky factorization. By Gilbert, Ng, Peyton. September 1992. Revised version appeared in SIMAX, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 1075-1091, October 1994. Separators and structure prediction in sparse orthogonal factorization. By Gilbert, Ng, Peyton. July 8, 1993. Geometric mesh partitioning: Implementation and experiments. By Gilbert, Miller, Teng. September 1994. This describes the code in meshpart.uu. Geometric spectral partitioning. By Chan, Gilbert, Teng. January 1995. A supernodal approach to sparse partial pivoting (SuperLU). By Demmel, Eisenstat, Gilbert, Li, Liu. September 1995. Partitioning meshes with lines and planes. By Cao, Gilbert, Teng. January 1996. An asynchronous parallel supernodal algorithm for sparse Gaussian elimination. By Demmel, Gilbert, Li. February 1997. An assessment of incomplete-LU preconditioners for nonsymmetric linear systems (DRAFT). By Gilbert, Toledo. July 1997. Support-graph preconditioners. By Bern, Gilbert, Hendrickson, Nguyen, Toledo. January 2001.